This 25 sqm apartment was in good condition!

A line of yellow and white cabinets was disproportionately present and darkened the room, which nevertheless had two beautiful large windows.

Once the old placo was removed, surprise: a beautiful wall of red bricks and beams in pure northern style was revealed!

We decided to keep this old section of wall, to consolidate and renovate it, without reopening it again.

The bricks were polished and the beams repainted, which gave the room a warm and modern feel. And highlighted the high ceiling.

The long pine strip parquet flooring was also cleaned, polished and re-glazed. Some of the cupboards were kept and repainted in graphite black.

And there you have it! A small apartment that is both old and modern with its own character in the style of the neighborhood. Ready to be lived in!


Place : Lille (France), 59

Project duration : 3 months

Category : renovation, home-staging
